Tag Archives: raising boys

Joshy is one!

Our bubbly, cheeky little monkey is one! And what year it has been. Joshua, or “Joshy” as we call him, is our feisty bruiser who is just the sweetest, toughest little guy around. I can honestly say that the first year of his life has absolutely flown by, it’s been an interesting, tumultuous one, with no dull moments, that’s for certain.

Life with two boys is exciting, wondrous and full of precious moments but at the same time; utterly exhausting. Some days I fall asleep after putting the boys to bed before 8pm, and other days I go wild and watch an episode of something of telly with a glass of wine (and probably pass out half way through!) How times have changed from the carefree pre-kid days, but I honestly wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.

So our sweet angel is one, and because of the current global pandemic situation; we obviously couldn’t celebrate the way we would have liked to- but we actually ended up having a marvellous day- just the four of us. The weather was absolutely perfect, especially for April in England! A gloriously sunny spring day- and what better way to celebrate the occasion- a braai of course.

We were actually meant to be in Ireland with Donal’s parents for the Easter break, but all flights cancelled and no one going anywhere, home it was. We were naturally upset that we couldn’t be with family, but accepted that it was most certainly for the best. So Donal took the day off work, and we made the most of it. Joshua enjoyed his first ever bit of refined sugar with a piece of chocolate cake. He was rather indifferent to be honest! Spat most of out! Not like the rest of us who gleefully scoffed it up.

Joshy is such a little man. He’s adorably strong-willed, and now that he’s starting to understand and communicate more, his personality is shining through. He loves to be around his family, and is often seen playing on the kitchen floor at mom’s feet with pots and pans, and a wooden spoon to bang with, while dinner is being prepared. He loves a cuddle and a dance and laughs with his whole being.

Because of the virus, we haven’t had the opportunity to have Joshy’s one year review, but I can estimate that he’s on the big side and he’s doing well! He’s taken his first steps- shortly after his first birthday and is walking with increasing confidence. He still loves a good crawl, because at the moment, it’s way quicker! In fact, he’s a little rocket on all fours. He loves his food and eats like an champion. Some of his favourites include: spaghetti bolognese and other pastas, porridge with all kinds of berries and chia seeds, tomatoes, cucumber, yoghurt, cheese and chicken. He loves his protein and often goes for all the meat first, and then the carbs. He also likes his veggie crisps, broccoli, cauliflower and bananas. He’s not very keen on carrots or pears at the moment, but we’ll keep trying. He much prefers to feed himself, and we let him at it. He uses a spoon and fork, but the mess is something else! When he’s finished eating, he’ll pull his bib off and chuck any food left on his plate as far as he can, and often the plate and cutlery too! (We’re working on this!)

Josh is able to follow simple instructions like putting a toy in a box, or wiping his tray. He points to things he wants and shouts very loudly when he doesn’t get his way! He says, “no, no, no” and shakes his head to disagree and lifts his hands up excitedly when he concurs! He knows our ‘names’ and looks at mom, dad or Matty when prompted. He enjoys reading stories, listening to action nursery rhymes and is beginning to join in too. He loves to play hide and seek and is great at finding his hiding brother- who finds this game highly amusing. It’s very sweet to hear them giggling together. Water is a huge hit, he loves to splash about in the bath, at the kitchen sink or with the water troughs.

He plays alongside his brother, who is ever so patient and kind with him. Allowing him to join in games, often wrecking towers he’s spent meticulously constructing, but rarely loses his cool. In fact, he said just yesterday, he likes it when Joshy is awake so they can play together because it’s so much more fun. Don’t get me wrong, they have their tiffs, where Matty is sometimes a bit heavy handed, or Joshy takes Matt’s favourite ankylosaurus, but on the whole, they’re grand.

Josh is now in his own room, and he’s starting to sleep better. Waking on average once a night. He still enjoys his mama’s milk, which is probably why he’s still waking, but it’s not too bad. He seems to have dropped his second nap already and tends to have one long one around 11am. Both my boys are early risers, so as long as I don’t go to bed too late, we’re ok. Although, we’ve had a couple of pre 5am wake ups, which can be pretty rough.

On the whole, Joshy is a smiley, loving little boy who gives the most heart-melting cuddles. We love him beyond words and I simply can’t believe our baby is a year old already.




A month at home; what we’ve been up to.

Another few weeks of social distancing means that we’ve spent the majority of our days at home, with the exception of our daily walks to the duck pond or the green. I really look forward to this time outside. The sunshine and fresh air does us all the world of good.  Although Matthew sometimes needs a bit of persuading to get out, he relishes it when we’re actually outside. When I asked him why he is sometimes reluctant to go, he replied, “Then I have to keep washing my hands all day long!” He knows that when we go out, we have to wash our hands immediately on our return, seemingly, he’s had enough of it! To be fair to him, the poor dear’s hands are as dry as dust after all this thorough washing. (Makes me realise that we really didn’t wash our hands all that thoroughly before!) We have been utterly pedantic about it and it’s obviously highly annoying to a 3 year old.

Matthew just loves riding his bike or scooter and Joshua gets so excited on our walks. He really enjoys sitting facing out in the buggy, laughing at the ducks and geese and taking in every little detail of the flowers and tree bark. It makes me pause for a moment to appreciate the beauty of the nature around us. Seeing life through a baby’s eyes is truly wonderful and magical.

This big shift in our lives has made me realise how much the change of routine can affect the little ones.It can be hard enough for adults to adjust. It’s the simple things like popping to shops as and when we need to, stopping over at a friend’s house for a playdate, or playing with the neighbours. And then of course, missing out on Nursery and all the structure and familiarity that brings. Donal was getting the shopping out the car, and both boys wanted to sit in their car seats and they were happily entertained there for a good ten minutes. This made me chuckle; they even missed the car!

We have been up to all sorts over the last few weeks, completing tasks from Nursery and lots of free play. Picnics in the sunshine are a bit hit and we recently bought a trampoline for the boys, which is proving very popular.


I found the first week rather challenging, trying to get to grips with this pandemic, and the chaos it’s brought to our world. I had to make a bit of a mental shift and not worry too much about setting big tasks for Matthew. There are countless websites offering daily scheduled plans, filled to the brim with hourly tasks. While some of the ideas might come in handy, I’ve learnt that my sweet boy thrives when he can choose his activities and most of all, he just loves to play. We complete some of the nursery tasks- the ones that Matt is interested in. He’d much rather be playing in the sandpit or playing with cars or toy animals than writing his name. Happiness and wellbeing is more important than pushing a 3 year old to learn his numbers. At this age, I believe kids learn so much more through play anyway, and where Matthew shows interest in numbers- we go there and try and make it fun!


The boys are really starting to play together more. Joshua is very interested in anything his big brother has, and is so inquisitive about everything. I must say that Matthew is a great older bro, he’s learning the ways of Joshy and knows how to distract him when he’s got a toy that he wants!

Josh also loves to play in the sand pit, throw a ball and he takes particular delight in water play and making big splashes. The beautiful sunny days we’ve been experiencing are wonderful. The boys spend a lot of time in our little garden, and they love it. Joshua is known to be banging on the door in anticipation of being let out!


Our sweet little Joshua will be one soon and although it won’t be the celebration we envisaged, we are so glad and blessed that we are healthy and we’ll make it a special day for our youngest clan member- not that he’ll remember it-  but we most certainly will.


Staying at home: Day 3-5

It’s been quite a strange week. In some ways it’s been exciting, positive and adventurous and in others, it’s been draining and worrying. The coronavirus is still prevalent, with the peak predicted to hit only around June. Today we heard that Prime Minister Boris Johnson has the virus. Also, having a few family members that have tested positive or are showing symptoms makes it all that much more real.

Last night at 8pm the country came together to show support for our NHS with a nationwide applause. Our street came out in full force, with everyone standing on their doorsteps, clapping for our health system’s wonderful staff.  The solidarity was very touching and actually made me rather emotional.

My main goal has been trying to keep the boys busy and happy and I won’t lie, having to stay home most of the day, entertaining the boys (with no reprieve)  has had me absolutely knackered by the time the boys have gone to bed. But we are all well, happy and healthy and that’s all that matters.

Just like Matthew, I got so used to our new routine. With Matty at Nursery 3 full days a week and Joshua having just started with nice long naps during the day; I was loving those 1 or 2 hours to catch up on chores and errands, take time to make myself a decent lunch, and honestly just sit down and zone out a little. These last few days have been full on, with both boys needing love and attention and stimulation.

I’m able to have some quality time with Matt while Joshy naps, which is truly lovely. We focus on his nursery tasks if he wants to, or simply just play or chat. We still have our meals together as a family which is great and look forward to our one walk a day.

Here are some of the activities we’ve been up to these past few days.

1.The brothers have been playing so sweetly together. As Joshy grows and becomes interested in his big bro’s toys and games. More often than not, he will try and demolish whatever Matt has built, which can cause a bit of drama, but Matthew is learning patience and how to distract him with another toy which normally does the trick.

2.While Donal is working, he often gets two little visitors come in and sneak a little cuddle.

3. Matthew sends a picture he’s drawn of himself to his teacher every day, showing how he’s feeling. This week he said he’s felt great, silly and scary!

Both my boys are doing well. They’re happy little souls, with adventurous, wild natures. They so enjoy a tickle and a wrestle with each other. Now I know why they say second and subsequent children are tough! One of the sweetest things to witness is when we hear Josh waking from his nap… Matt is so eager to greet him with “Hello my adorable baby!” or another favourite, “Hello my sweetie angel!’ Honestly, my heart has melted a million times over at those words that are always welcomed by the sweetest smile by Joshy.

In these strange, uncertain times, I’m starting to realise a few things;

  • Nothing in life is guaranteed
  • Family is everything
  • Be kind and compassionate
  • Appreciate the simple things
  • Love more
  • Be hopeful

Keeping busy at home

With two little lads to keep occupied and engaged, it’s not an easy feat when you have to stay home just about all day. We’ve been told that we can only leave the house once a day for a bit of exercise or if it’s absolutely necessary to shop for food or medicine. Other than that, we must remain at home. The police now have the authority to fine people who are not adhering to the new lockdown rules. The Coronavirus is still rife and as of today, there are over 400 deaths in the UK alone, nearly 20,000 worldwide. With a lot of depressing facts, it’s obvious to see why we must take government guidance seriously, but that doesn’t mean we can’t at least try and have some fun while doing so!

One of the positives we can take from this is the extra family time we are getting. With Donal working from home, we get to enjoy meals and take our afternoon walk together. Usually the boys were just getting into bed when daddy got home from work, now he gets to do bath time and story time with them every night and the boys just love it.

Matthew’s nursery teacher has sent us a list of activities for him to complete for the week, so that’s a good start and it seems to keep Matty motivated as he’s very keen to please her.

Here are some of the things we’ve been up to so far. (Day 1 and 2)

After brekkie and some free play with our toys, we kickstart our morning with a fun 30 minute workout at 9am- PE with Joe Wicks.

We have our snacks and then Joshy usually goes down for a nap around 9;30/10am. During this time, Matty and I spend some time together looking at the tasks Una has set. This week the focus is on practising name writing, basic shapes, the number 1, sinking and floating experiments- to name but a few.






We have lunch together, some playtime in the garden if the weather allows and then our late afternoon walk. Matthew enjoys scooting or cycling.

Joshua is absolutely loving the water play. Both boys just love being out in the sunshine.


Matt is allowed to have some time on his tablet or watch a bit of telly. The main challenge is trying to keep Joshua from pulling at it! We also read a lot of stories, play lego or megablocks, do puzzles and art.

After dinner together, it’s time to wind down for bed. We bath, read bedtime stories and hopefully sleep soundly. Saying that, Joshy still wakes a few times a night. Let’s hope it doesn’t last too long, but in the grand scheme of all the world’s problems, this is certainly a minor one.

Sending love to all x

We are a family of four!


With good reason, I haven’t been able to write a blogpost since January…That”s over 6 months ago and so much has happened. Even now, I am sat here typing with one hand, at a rate no faster than your great grandfather (who abhors technology) so I’m well aware this post may take me about a week to complete… UPDATE- it’s taken me months to complete this one! Moving (not so swiftly) along, to my main reason for writing this today.

On the 8th April 2019, we lovingly welcomed the latest addition to our clan: Joshua Edward Nevin. And honestly, we couldn’t be happier. Just like his big bro, Josh wasn’t wasting any time when it came to arriving into this world.

I had a routine check up with my lovely midwife, who suggested I could have a cervical sweep as I was 40 weeks and 2 days pregnant. The most pregnant I’d ever been! I agreed as I was very keen to meet our new baby. Mostly because I wanted to hold our sweet new bundle in my arms, but also because my bump felt huge, my hips were more loose than Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing, and the heartburn was real! As she administered the sweep, she commented on the fact that I was around 3cm dilated already and how she could actually feel his little head! Additionally, how I must have a high pain threshold as I was most likely in the early stages of labour. I new his arrival was imminent, but I didn’t realise that by the end of the day, we would be a family of four.

Donal had come with me to the midwife appointment, but had to go back to work. The midwife advised him to keep his phone handy as she was certain our new baby would come soon.

Our last photo as a family of 3. Joshy was born 3 days later.

One of the concerns we did have, was what we were going to do with Matthew when my labour started. The midwife, knowing my history of birthing rather quickly, suggested I call an ambulance and take Matthew along if no one was around to help. That’s one of the most challenging things you face living in a huge city, far away from home- the lack of family support. It’s really tough being away from loved ones at the best of times, let alone when you’re about to give birth and need a hand. Nevertheless, I am a firm believer in that everything always comes together, and that’s exactly what happened.

As if by divine intervention, my good friend Claire was scheduled to come around that day for lunch. She was well aware that I was 3 days over my due date, and as the day progressed, it became glaringly obvious that she would stick around longer than anticipated. In fact, she commented that she was mentally prepared to help deliver the baby in the end!

We ordered some Mediterranean food for lunch, caught up on all the chat and entertained Matthew as he played with cars, lego and dinosaurs, oblivious to the fact that he was about to become a big brother very soon! I sat bouncing on the swiss ball as I watched him play with Aunty Claire on the carpet, and I felt my heart ache for him. He was so happy, lapping up all the attention. Life was about to change in a big way for our sweet two year old.

Soon after lunch, I began experiencing period-like pains in my back and tummy. They were quite mild at the start, but as the day went on, it became more intense. I kept bouncing on the swiss ball as Matty played. As the pain intensified, I decided I’d best send  Donal a message to let him know. It must have been around 4pm, my lovely Claire had cancelled her plans for the afternoon to stay with us, should baby decide to arrive that day.

Matthew and daddy setting up Josh’s crib.

I told Donal to head home a bit earlier as I had a feeling we’d be meeting our sweet baby soon. Thankfully, he was able to do just that, and we didn’t have much time to spare. At 5:10pm, as I sat on the swiss ball, I realised that my waters had broken and I knew that this baby was ready to make his entrance.

I’m so grateful that Claire was around, to help with Matthew and get me ready to leave for hospital. My bags were packed and Donal was just walking down the road when he rang to check the progress. I was pleased that he was so close by, as I really didn’t want to have to deliver another baby on my own, let alone in the car!

We only live about 10 minutes away from Barnet Hospital, so I was hopeful that we would make it this time. My contractions started quickly after my waters broke, and just like with Matthew’s birth, they came every 2 minutes, very intensely from the start.

I had one or two contractions at home before I kissed my dear Matty goodbye, and explained that Mommy and Daddy were going to hospital to get his baby brother. I am so impressed with how he reacted. He simply gave me a hug, said “OK mommy,” and carried on playing with his dinosaurs. As we drove away, I felt emotional, knowing that things were about to change a lot for us. In amongst the rush to leave, I felt guilty for leaving my big boy, but took comfort in the fact that he was happy with Aunty Claire. As planned, Uncle Cathal and Aunty Michelle were called to come and stay the night with Matty.

There were road works on Barnet High Street, so our journey was lengthened a bit. This felt like a lifetime as I breathed and hummed through a further 5 contractions, remembering my positive affirmations and hypnobirthing strategies. With the hospital in sight, I felt optimistic that the midwives would be able to deliver our baby in the delivery suite.

Unfortunately, we didn’t quite make it to the delivery suite. I was assessed at Triage, and the midwives were quick to observe that the baby was ready to arrive. She said we had about two minutes, I was fully dilated and that we wouldn’t make it to the suite, so Triage it would be! I was just pleased we made it indoors, so anything after that was a bonus.

The delivery was straight forward as I breathed through the final contractions. I can only but praise the midwives who helped, they were professional and friendly and made the experience as smooth as possible. I won’t lie, the pain was intense, but knowing that we’d be meeting our precious little boy soon, made it all worthwhile.

Our sweet little Joshua arrived at 5:45pm on Monday the 8th April 2019, weighing in at a healthy 3.9kgs, healthy and well. I think my heart melted just seeing his sweet little face, and holding his perfect little body in my arms.

Because we didn’t end up in the suite, I had to stay the night in the main maternity ward, which is just a single bed and little cot separated by a curtain, I said Donal should go home and be with Matty. He’d at least get a decent night’s sleep in our bed and Matt would be so happy to see daddy in the morning. Even happier when he discovered the brilliant present of a toot-toot police station track that his new baby brother had bought for him! Great idea by the way, he couldn’t wait to thank his little bro.

In the morning, I had my two boys visit us in hospital. It was the most heart melting moment when Matt saw Joshy for the first time. He was so sweet and curious and held him ever so gently.

Our family is now complete and we couldn’t be happier.


9 months old smiler and his bubbly big brother.

As both boys are soundly asleep, daddy’s making the lasagna for tomorrow’s dinner and the washing is miraculously up to date (won’t be for long!) I find myself, for the first time in a very long time, with a minute to sit down and write a blog post.

I quickly scrolled through my previous posts and was hit a huge pang of guilt as I realise I haven’t even finished a post about our little baba Joshua- or Joshy as we like to call him. It’s certainly not for lack of trying, I have about 7 unfinished drafts in the outbox, trying to describe his birth story and first few months, but have failed to complete even one. This probably sums up how life as a mum of two is just so immensely busy, I don’t even have time to think some days!

As I mulled through the posts I’d written about Matthew, I realised just how lovely it was that I’d written them in the first instance, as I’d honestly forgotten about all the small details, milestones and little quirks. I’ve also realised just how similar my two babas were at the same age.

So, having skipped a few months, let me take a moment to talk about our sweet Joshua at 9 months old… So let’s talk physicality- our wee one is quite the bruiser! At just over 11kg, he weighs proudly in at the 91st percentile. Most of his weight is held in his most adorable chunky legs! Seriously, he loves his mama’s milk and drinks a lot of and it shows. Everyone who meets him, instantly comments on how much he looks like his daddy, and there’s no denying it from my side- he really does. With bright blue eyes and an oval-shaped head (with very little hair!), the resemblance in uncanny.


As far as a development is concerned, Joshy is doing very well. He started sitting up independently at 5.5 months old. Currently, he’s rolling over, leopard crawling all over the room, pulling himself up onto furniture and trying his little heart out to crawl. You can tell he finds it frustrating when he can’t get to a toy nearby, but he’s using his skills to make his way around the room, quite efficiently already. I’d say he’ll be crawling pretty soon! And then the fun begins.

He’s a real little happy chappy. Loves being cuddled, tickled and dancing around the room in mom or dad’s arms. He always has the biggest smiles for his older brother, who I must add, is amazing with Josh. He’s quite a laid back little fella for the most part. As long as he’s been fed and not too tired, he’s content. He loves playing on the carpet, with anything that’s not a toy! Like a lunchbox, remote, piece of cardboard and so on… Just recently though, he’s taken a keen interest in cars and likes to move them along on their wheels. He’s also quite happy to be with other people he knows, and isn’t too bothered if mom or dad leave the room.

He was a real trooper on our recent trip to South Africa. Just loved all the attention from our family members and really just went with the flow. Along with his big boet, he was super star on the aeroplane. People actually remarked how well behaved our boys were, which made us very proud. Both our boys laugh a lot, which is just the most wonderful sound to hear. Don’t get me wrong, we hear our fair share of moans and groans too (we just try to block those out!)

Joshua is babbling away. He even wakes up calling ‘mamamama’ and ‘dadadadada’, It’s ever so precious. We still hear ‘ngoo’ from time to time, which was one of his first distinguishable sounds, He says, ‘didididi’, “babababa’ and ‘nonononono’ and has recently started really pursing his lips together like a fish and makes kissing noises! We also hear random screams and shouts. It’s hilarious. His brother Matthew definitely thinks so anyway,

Other developments to note- he can look to the light or fan when asked. He looks at mama or dada when asked. He also recognises words like ‘dudu’ (sleep) ‘dog’, ‘up’ and ‘milk’. He waves hello and goodbye and copies us when we tap on things.

So when it comes to food. We had a slow start at 6 months old. He was never ever really that keen on being fed purees, he much prefers to feed himself, so we decided baby-led-weaning on the most part was the way forward, Some of his favourite foods include strawberries, mangoes, cucumber, carrots, Nanny Crouser’s spaghetti bolognese and toast, Just like his brother, he loves fruit, so we try and give him the savoury food first and fruit as a dessert. He’s still drinking a lot of milk, but has not yet taken a bottle. Oh and he has two teeth, with a few more threatening to pop through anytime now.

Josh is little ray of sunshine in our lives. His smile is truly contagious and he is just so soft, squishy and adorable. However, he is not yet sleeping through the night. He is still waking on average 2-3x a night, sometimes more, sometimes less. Hopefully with him becoming more active, eating solids and weaning off night milk, this situation will improve so we can all get some damn sleep!

He’s napping 2 or 3 times a day, and is getting better at that too. He’s an extremely light sleeper, so even the slightest squeak of a door handle, can wake this babe from his slumber. Since Matthew is attending nursery, his sleep during the day has improved… hmmm, I wonder why? I’m so glad that Matthew can go to Nursery and playing learn freely in such a stimulating environment He really loves it and I think it’s great for everyone!

Overall, we have two happy, healthy boys who really do love each other. It’s precious to see. It’s tiring and crazy and the sleep deprivation is real. But the love I have for my little family, outweighs all the other things by a country mile. I do feel truly blessed.

Hopefully, it won’t be too long before I publish another post and even get to complete those drafts! I’ve written this one quite quickly, and just added in the main facts, so hopefully it all makes sense. Did I mention I’m tired? x