We are a family of four!


With good reason, I haven’t been able to write a blogpost since January…That”s over 6 months ago and so much has happened. Even now, I am sat here typing with one hand, at a rate no faster than your great grandfather (who abhors technology) so I’m well aware this post may take me about a week to complete… UPDATE- it’s taken me months to complete this one! Moving (not so swiftly) along, to my main reason for writing this today.

On the 8th April 2019, we lovingly welcomed the latest addition to our clan: Joshua Edward Nevin. And honestly, we couldn’t be happier. Just like his big bro, Josh wasn’t wasting any time when it came to arriving into this world.

I had a routine check up with my lovely midwife, who suggested I could have a cervical sweep as I was 40 weeks and 2 days pregnant. The most pregnant I’d ever been! I agreed as I was very keen to meet our new baby. Mostly because I wanted to hold our sweet new bundle in my arms, but also because my bump felt huge, my hips were more loose than Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing, and the heartburn was real! As she administered the sweep, she commented on the fact that I was around 3cm dilated already and how she could actually feel his little head! Additionally, how I must have a high pain threshold as I was most likely in the early stages of labour. I new his arrival was imminent, but I didn’t realise that by the end of the day, we would be a family of four.

Donal had come with me to the midwife appointment, but had to go back to work. The midwife advised him to keep his phone handy as she was certain our new baby would come soon.

Our last photo as a family of 3. Joshy was born 3 days later.

One of the concerns we did have, was what we were going to do with Matthew when my labour started. The midwife, knowing my history of birthing rather quickly, suggested I call an ambulance and take Matthew along if no one was around to help. That’s one of the most challenging things you face living in a huge city, far away from home- the lack of family support. It’s really tough being away from loved ones at the best of times, let alone when you’re about to give birth and need a hand. Nevertheless, I am a firm believer in that everything always comes together, and that’s exactly what happened.

As if by divine intervention, my good friend Claire was scheduled to come around that day for lunch. She was well aware that I was 3 days over my due date, and as the day progressed, it became glaringly obvious that she would stick around longer than anticipated. In fact, she commented that she was mentally prepared to help deliver the baby in the end!

We ordered some Mediterranean food for lunch, caught up on all the chat and entertained Matthew as he played with cars, lego and dinosaurs, oblivious to the fact that he was about to become a big brother very soon! I sat bouncing on the swiss ball as I watched him play with Aunty Claire on the carpet, and I felt my heart ache for him. He was so happy, lapping up all the attention. Life was about to change in a big way for our sweet two year old.

Soon after lunch, I began experiencing period-like pains in my back and tummy. They were quite mild at the start, but as the day went on, it became more intense. I kept bouncing on the swiss ball as Matty played. As the pain intensified, I decided I’d best send  Donal a message to let him know. It must have been around 4pm, my lovely Claire had cancelled her plans for the afternoon to stay with us, should baby decide to arrive that day.

Matthew and daddy setting up Josh’s crib.

I told Donal to head home a bit earlier as I had a feeling we’d be meeting our sweet baby soon. Thankfully, he was able to do just that, and we didn’t have much time to spare. At 5:10pm, as I sat on the swiss ball, I realised that my waters had broken and I knew that this baby was ready to make his entrance.

I’m so grateful that Claire was around, to help with Matthew and get me ready to leave for hospital. My bags were packed and Donal was just walking down the road when he rang to check the progress. I was pleased that he was so close by, as I really didn’t want to have to deliver another baby on my own, let alone in the car!

We only live about 10 minutes away from Barnet Hospital, so I was hopeful that we would make it this time. My contractions started quickly after my waters broke, and just like with Matthew’s birth, they came every 2 minutes, very intensely from the start.

I had one or two contractions at home before I kissed my dear Matty goodbye, and explained that Mommy and Daddy were going to hospital to get his baby brother. I am so impressed with how he reacted. He simply gave me a hug, said “OK mommy,” and carried on playing with his dinosaurs. As we drove away, I felt emotional, knowing that things were about to change a lot for us. In amongst the rush to leave, I felt guilty for leaving my big boy, but took comfort in the fact that he was happy with Aunty Claire. As planned, Uncle Cathal and Aunty Michelle were called to come and stay the night with Matty.

There were road works on Barnet High Street, so our journey was lengthened a bit. This felt like a lifetime as I breathed and hummed through a further 5 contractions, remembering my positive affirmations and hypnobirthing strategies. With the hospital in sight, I felt optimistic that the midwives would be able to deliver our baby in the delivery suite.

Unfortunately, we didn’t quite make it to the delivery suite. I was assessed at Triage, and the midwives were quick to observe that the baby was ready to arrive. She said we had about two minutes, I was fully dilated and that we wouldn’t make it to the suite, so Triage it would be! I was just pleased we made it indoors, so anything after that was a bonus.

The delivery was straight forward as I breathed through the final contractions. I can only but praise the midwives who helped, they were professional and friendly and made the experience as smooth as possible. I won’t lie, the pain was intense, but knowing that we’d be meeting our precious little boy soon, made it all worthwhile.

Our sweet little Joshua arrived at 5:45pm on Monday the 8th April 2019, weighing in at a healthy 3.9kgs, healthy and well. I think my heart melted just seeing his sweet little face, and holding his perfect little body in my arms.

Because we didn’t end up in the suite, I had to stay the night in the main maternity ward, which is just a single bed and little cot separated by a curtain, I said Donal should go home and be with Matty. He’d at least get a decent night’s sleep in our bed and Matt would be so happy to see daddy in the morning. Even happier when he discovered the brilliant present of a toot-toot police station track that his new baby brother had bought for him! Great idea by the way, he couldn’t wait to thank his little bro.

In the morning, I had my two boys visit us in hospital. It was the most heart melting moment when Matt saw Joshy for the first time. He was so sweet and curious and held him ever so gently.

Our family is now complete and we couldn’t be happier.


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