Tag Archives: momofboys

9 months old smiler and his bubbly big brother.

As both boys are soundly asleep, daddy’s making the lasagna for tomorrow’s dinner and the washing is miraculously up to date (won’t be for long!) I find myself, for the first time in a very long time, with a minute to sit down and write a blog post.

I quickly scrolled through my previous posts and was hit a huge pang of guilt as I realise I haven’t even finished a post about our little baba Joshua- or Joshy as we like to call him. It’s certainly not for lack of trying, I have about 7 unfinished drafts in the outbox, trying to describe his birth story and first few months, but have failed to complete even one. This probably sums up how life as a mum of two is just so immensely busy, I don’t even have time to think some days!

As I mulled through the posts I’d written about Matthew, I realised just how lovely it was that I’d written them in the first instance, as I’d honestly forgotten about all the small details, milestones and little quirks. I’ve also realised just how similar my two babas were at the same age.

So, having skipped a few months, let me take a moment to talk about our sweet Joshua at 9 months old… So let’s talk physicality- our wee one is quite the bruiser! At just over 11kg, he weighs proudly in at the 91st percentile. Most of his weight is held in his most adorable chunky legs! Seriously, he loves his mama’s milk and drinks a lot of and it shows. Everyone who meets him, instantly comments on how much he looks like his daddy, and there’s no denying it from my side- he really does. With bright blue eyes and an oval-shaped head (with very little hair!), the resemblance in uncanny.


As far as a development is concerned, Joshy is doing very well. He started sitting up independently at 5.5 months old. Currently, he’s rolling over, leopard crawling all over the room, pulling himself up onto furniture and trying his little heart out to crawl. You can tell he finds it frustrating when he can’t get to a toy nearby, but he’s using his skills to make his way around the room, quite efficiently already. I’d say he’ll be crawling pretty soon! And then the fun begins.

He’s a real little happy chappy. Loves being cuddled, tickled and dancing around the room in mom or dad’s arms. He always has the biggest smiles for his older brother, who I must add, is amazing with Josh. He’s quite a laid back little fella for the most part. As long as he’s been fed and not too tired, he’s content. He loves playing on the carpet, with anything that’s not a toy! Like a lunchbox, remote, piece of cardboard and so on… Just recently though, he’s taken a keen interest in cars and likes to move them along on their wheels. He’s also quite happy to be with other people he knows, and isn’t too bothered if mom or dad leave the room.

He was a real trooper on our recent trip to South Africa. Just loved all the attention from our family members and really just went with the flow. Along with his big boet, he was super star on the aeroplane. People actually remarked how well behaved our boys were, which made us very proud. Both our boys laugh a lot, which is just the most wonderful sound to hear. Don’t get me wrong, we hear our fair share of moans and groans too (we just try to block those out!)

Joshua is babbling away. He even wakes up calling ‘mamamama’ and ‘dadadadada’, It’s ever so precious. We still hear ‘ngoo’ from time to time, which was one of his first distinguishable sounds, He says, ‘didididi’, “babababa’ and ‘nonononono’ and has recently started really pursing his lips together like a fish and makes kissing noises! We also hear random screams and shouts. It’s hilarious. His brother Matthew definitely thinks so anyway,

Other developments to note- he can look to the light or fan when asked. He looks at mama or dada when asked. He also recognises words like ‘dudu’ (sleep) ‘dog’, ‘up’ and ‘milk’. He waves hello and goodbye and copies us when we tap on things.

So when it comes to food. We had a slow start at 6 months old. He was never ever really that keen on being fed purees, he much prefers to feed himself, so we decided baby-led-weaning on the most part was the way forward, Some of his favourite foods include strawberries, mangoes, cucumber, carrots, Nanny Crouser’s spaghetti bolognese and toast, Just like his brother, he loves fruit, so we try and give him the savoury food first and fruit as a dessert. He’s still drinking a lot of milk, but has not yet taken a bottle. Oh and he has two teeth, with a few more threatening to pop through anytime now.

Josh is little ray of sunshine in our lives. His smile is truly contagious and he is just so soft, squishy and adorable. However, he is not yet sleeping through the night. He is still waking on average 2-3x a night, sometimes more, sometimes less. Hopefully with him becoming more active, eating solids and weaning off night milk, this situation will improve so we can all get some damn sleep!

He’s napping 2 or 3 times a day, and is getting better at that too. He’s an extremely light sleeper, so even the slightest squeak of a door handle, can wake this babe from his slumber. Since Matthew is attending nursery, his sleep during the day has improved… hmmm, I wonder why? I’m so glad that Matthew can go to Nursery and playing learn freely in such a stimulating environment He really loves it and I think it’s great for everyone!

Overall, we have two happy, healthy boys who really do love each other. It’s precious to see. It’s tiring and crazy and the sleep deprivation is real. But the love I have for my little family, outweighs all the other things by a country mile. I do feel truly blessed.

Hopefully, it won’t be too long before I publish another post and even get to complete those drafts! I’ve written this one quite quickly, and just added in the main facts, so hopefully it all makes sense. Did I mention I’m tired? x